
〜under construction〜

 Dear everyone who calls themselves Japanese(日本人を名乗る皆さんへ): 日本語版はGoogle翻訳でご覧ください。自動翻訳でもできるだけ適切な和訳になるよう、英文を調節してあります。

  • [2/12/2025]ウェブサイトを一から作成し直しました。レスポンシブデザインを意識し、不要なページは削除、ページが重くならないよう画像を減らしてコードを簡潔にしました。
  • あいうえお

Portions of this site use Javascript and iFrames. This site is mobile responsive! And the colors on this website are inspired by the colors of UNDERTALE!!
⚠This website has pages with automatic music.To be honest, I wanted to use the music of UNDERTALE, but I couldn't because that's not allowed according to its terms of service.

The purpose of this website is to post my illustrations and my Japanese translations, to document my exsistence, to practice coding and writing in English, and to share my interests etc.

I don't see the Neocities timeline very often, but when I do, I go back and see everything.

I'm looking for English webcomics that are surreal and darkly humorous, like Ranfren. Please let me know if you have any recommendations!!

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